Aggregate Dependencies

In the previous chapters we learned that an aggregate protects invariants and records an event for each state transition. It then applies recorded events to its internal state and uses the state to validate if the next state transition can take place.

But an aggregate cannot always rely solely on its internal state. Sometimes the aggregate needs to get information from somewhere else to make a decision. In this case the aggregate has a dependency to an external service and in this chapter we will learn how to give access to such a service and, of course, how to test it.

Method Injection

You may have noticed that we left a @TODO Check stock in the Basket::addProduct() method. Products are handled in an external ERP system and we can request current stock of a product from that system. When implementing Domain-Driven Design, it is a common approach to integrate an external system by defining an interface for it in the domain model but move the implementation to the infrastucture layer. A good example of such an integration is shown in the PHP DDD Cargo Sample¹, where the Cargo domain makes use of an external GraphTraversalService. This is called Hexagonal Architecture or Ports & Adapters².

We want to use the same approach for the ERP system but limit the implementation to the interface only, as we don't have access to the ERP system right now and only know the interface specification. That's enough, though, because we can easily mock the ERP and use the interface to decouple our domain model from it.

File: ./Basket/src/Model/ERP/ERP.php



namespace App\Basket\Model\ERP;

use App\Basket\Model\Exception\UnknownProduct;

interface ERP
     * Get stock information for given product
     * If stock information cannot be fetched from the ERP system
     * this method returns null.
     * If product is not known by the ERP system this method must throw an UnknownProduct exception
     * @param ProductId $productId
     * @return ProductStock|null
     * @throws UnknownProduct
    public function getProductStock(ProductId $productId): ?ProductStock;

The ERP interface defines a method getProductStock which takes a ProductId as an argument and returns a ProductStock value object or null in case the request failed. You may have noticed that we use value objects a lot. In fact everything except our Basket aggregate is modeled as a value object so far. It is a rule of thumb to model everything as value objects and only use an aggregate if the object really has a lifecycle in YOUR domain. Products have a lifecycle but in the ERP system and not in our basket domain. We only consume product data as read-only information. Hence, we are better off using value objects to represent different aspects of a product like its stock information.

Having said this, let's add the value object.

File: ./Basket/src/Model/ERP/ProductStock.php



namespace App\Basket\Model\ERP;

final class ProductStock
     * @var ProductId
    private $productId;

     * @var int
    private $quantity;

     * @var int
    private $version;

    public static function fromArray(array $data): self
        return new self(
            ProductId::fromString($data['product_id'] ?? ''),
            $data['quantity'] ?? 0,
            $data['version'] ?? 0

    private function __construct(ProductId $productId, int $quantity, int $version)
        $this->productId = $productId;
        $this->quantity = $quantity;
        $this->version = $version;

     * @return ProductId
    public function productId(): ProductId
        return $this->productId;

     * @return int
    public function quantity(): int
        return $this->quantity;

     * @return int
    public function version(): int
        return $this->version;

    public function toArray(): array
        return [
            'product_id' => $this->productId->toString(),
            'quantity' => $this->quantity,
            'version' => $this->version

    public function equals($other): bool
        if(!$other instanceof self) {
            return false;

        return $this->toArray() === $other->toArray();

    public function __toString(): string
        return json_encode($this->toArray());

ProductStock gives us two important pieces of information:

  • stock quantity
  • a version

Stock quantity is self-explanatory, and the version is related to that quantity. Whenever stock quantity of a product changes, the version is increased by one. We can use the version during checkout to verify if the last known quantity of the product is still valid or if the quantity known by the basket is out-of-date.

We also need a new UnknownProduct exception which is thrown by the ERP adapter in case the ERP system returns a not found response.

File: ./Basket/src/Model/Exception/UnknownProduct.php



namespace App\Basket\Model\Exception;

use App\Basket\Model\ERP\ProductId;

final class UnknownProduct extends \InvalidArgumentException
    public static function withProductId(ProductId $productId): self
        return new self(sprintf(
            'Product with %s is unknown.',

The Basket aggregate should use the ERP system to request stock information before adding a product to the basket. The aggregate should reject the product if it is out of stock.

Note: We keep the example simple. In a real world system this stock check would include many more variants, for example permanent or temporarily out of stock products, checkout even if a product is out of stock, and so on.

But how do we get the ERP adapter into the aggregate? The answer is Method Injection. The Basket::addProduct defines the ERP system as a dependency for that method, and the caller of the method is responsible for providing an implementation. We will see that in action when we look at command handlers. For now, we align the method and update our test case.

File: ./Basket/src/Model/Basket.php



namespace App\Basket\Model;

use App\Basket\Model\ERP\ERP;
use App\Basket\Model\Exception\ProductOutOfStock;

final class Basket extends AggregateRoot

    public function addProduct(ProductId $productId, ERP $ERP): void
        if(array_key_exists($productId->toString(), $this->products)) {
            throw ProductAddedTwice::toBasket($this->basketId, $productId);

        //If the ERP system does not know the product an exception will be thrown here
        //which will stop the operation. The aggregate can not deal with that situation
        //as this is one of these "this should never happen" situations
        //If we want an unbreakable domain model we would need to talk to the business
        //and work out a failover plan triggered by a UnknownProductAddedToBasket event.
        $productStock = $ERP->getProductStock($productId);

        if(!$productStock) {
            $this->recordThat(ProductAddedToBasket::occur($this->basketId->toString(), [
                    'product_id' => $productId->toString(),
                    //If we did not get a response, we add the product and check stock later again
                    //the shopping session should not be blocked by a temporarily unavailable ERP system
                    'stock_version' => null,
                    'stock_quantity'=> null,
                    'quantity' => 1,

        if($productStock->quantity() === 0) {
            throw ProductOutOfStock::withProductId($productId);

        $this->recordThat(ProductAddedToBasket::occur($this->basketId->toString(), [
            'product_id' => $productId->toString(),
            'stock_version' => $productStock->version(),
            'stock_quantity' => $productStock->quantity(),
            'quantity' => 1,

     * Apply given event
    protected function apply(AggregateChanged $event): void
        switch ($event->messageName()) {
            case ShoppingSessionStarted::class:
            case ProductAddedToBasket::class:
                /** @var $event ProductAddedToBasket */

                //Use ProductId as index to avoid adding a product twice
                $this->products[$event->productId()->toString()] = [
                    'stock_quantity' => $event->stockQuantity(),
                    'stock_version' => $event->stockVersion(),
                    'quantity' => $event->quantity()

Basket::addProduct() has quite a bit of logic now and uses an external ERP system to request stock information of the product. In case the ERP system is temporarily unavailable the Basket aggregate accepts the product without a stock quantity check. Later in the checkout process we need to take care of this situation and check stock again. If we have a quantity stock conflict during checkout the order is routed to a support team who needs to contact the customer and offer an alternative.

If we got stock information from the ERP system we check quantity and throw a ProductOutOfStock exception if it is zero.

File: ./Basket/src/Model/Exception/ProductOutOfStock.php



namespace App\Basket\Model\Exception;

use App\Basket\Model\ERP\ProductId;

final class ProductOutOfStock extends \RuntimeException
    public static function withProductId(ProductId $productId): self
        return new self(sprintf(
            'Product with %s is out of stock.',

If everything is ok the Basket aggregate accepts the product and records the ProductAddedToBasket event but now with additional information, so we need to add new getter methods to the event.

File: ./Baset/src/Model/Event/ProductAddedToBasket.php



namespace App\Basket\Model\Event;

use App\Basket\Model\Basket\BasketId;
use App\Basket\Model\ERP\ProductId;
use Prooph\EventSourcing\AggregateChanged;

final class ProductAddedToBasket extends AggregateChanged
    public function basketId(): BasketId
        return BasketId::fromString($this->aggregateId());

    public function productId(): ProductId
        return ProductId::fromString($this->payload()['product_id']);

    public function stockQuantity(): ?int
        return $this->payload()['stock_quantity'];

    public function stockVersion(): ?int
        return $this->payload()['stock_version'];

    public function quantity(): int
        return $this->payload()['quantity'];

In the apply method of the Basket aggregate this additional information is added to the internal state so that we have access to it later.

Testing the expanded version of Basket::addProduct() is still relatively simple but we end up with a lot more test methods to cover the different results of the method call. Check the additions below to see how we can use PHPUnit's prophecy integration to mock the ERP system and simulate different situations.

File: ./Basket/tests/Model/BasketTest.php



namespace App\BasketTest\Model;

use App\Basket\Model\Basket;
use App\Basket\Model\ERP\ERP;
use App\Basket\Model\ERP\ProductId;
use App\Basket\Model\ERP\ProductStock;
use App\Basket\Model\Event\ProductAddedToBasket;
use App\Basket\Model\Event\ShoppingSessionStarted;
use App\Basket\Model\Basket\BasketId;
use App\Basket\Model\Basket\ShoppingSession;
use App\Basket\Model\Exception\UnknownProduct;
use App\BasketTest\TestCase;
use Prooph\EventSourcing\AggregateChanged;
use Prophecy\Argument;
use Ramsey\Uuid\Uuid;

class BasketTest extends TestCase
     * @var ShoppingSession
    private $shoppingSession;

     * @var BasketId
    private $basketId;

     * @var ProductId
    private $product1;

    protected function setUp()
        $this->shoppingSession = ShoppingSession::fromString('123');
        $this->basketId = BasketId::fromString(Uuid::uuid4()->toString());
        $this->product1 = ProductId::fromString('A1');

     * @test
    public function it_starts_a_shopping_session()
        $basket = Basket::startShoppingSession($this->shoppingSession, $this->basketId);

        /** @var AggregateChanged[] $events */
        $events = $this->popRecordedEvents($basket);

        $this->assertCount(1, $events);

        /** @var ShoppingSessionStarted $event */
        $event = $events[0];

        $this->assertSame(ShoppingSessionStarted::class, $event->messageName());

     * @test
    public function it_adds_a_product_if_stock_quantity_is_greater_than_zero()
        $basket = $this->reconstituteBasketFromHistory(

        $basket->addProduct($this->product1, $this->product1ERP());

        /** @var AggregateChanged[] $events */
        $events = $this->popRecordedEvents($basket);

        $this->assertCount(1, $events);

        /** @var ProductAddedToBasket $event */
        $event = $events[0];

        $this->assertSame(ProductAddedToBasket::class, $event->messageName());
        $this->assertSame(5, $event->payload()['stock_quantity']);
        $this->assertSame(1, $event->payload()['stock_version']);
        $this->assertSame(1, $event->payload()['quantity']);

     * @test
     * @expectedException \App\Basket\Model\Exception\ProductAddedTwice
    public function it_throws_exception_if_product_is_added_twice()
        $basket = $this->reconstituteBasketFromHistory(

        //Add same product again
        $basket->addProduct($this->product1, $this->product1ERP());

     * @test
     * @expectedException \App\Basket\Model\Exception\UnknownProduct
    public function it_stops_operation_if_product_is_unknown()
        $basket = $this->reconstituteBasketFromHistory(

        $ERP = $this->prophesize(ERP::class);

        //This ERP mock knows no product

        $basket->addProduct($this->product1, $ERP->reveal());

     * @test
    public function it_adds_product_without_stock_info_if_ERP_is_unavailable()
        $basket = $this->reconstituteBasketFromHistory(

        $ERP = $this->prophesize(ERP::class);

        //This ERP is unavailable

        $basket->addProduct($this->product1, $ERP->reveal());

        /** @var AggregateChanged[] $events */
        $events = $this->popRecordedEvents($basket);

        $this->assertCount(1, $events);

        /** @var ProductAddedToBasket $event */
        $event = $events[0];

        $this->assertSame(ProductAddedToBasket::class, $event->messageName());
        $this->assertSame(1, $event->payload()['quantity']);
        //No stock info present
        $this->assertSame(null, $event->payload()['stock_quantity']);
        $this->assertSame(null, $event->payload()['stock_version']);

     * @test
     * @expectedException \App\Basket\Model\Exception\ProductOutOfStock
    public function it_does_not_add_product_if_product_is_out_of_stock()
        $basket = $this->reconstituteBasketFromHistory(

        //Set stock quantity to zero in the ERP mock
        $basket->addProduct($this->product1, $this->product1ERP(0));

     * Helper method to reconstitute a Basket from history
     * With this helper we get better type hinting in the test methods
     * because type hint for reconstituteAggregateFromHistory() is only AggregateRoot
     * @param AggregateChanged[] ...$events
     * @return Basket
    private function reconstituteBasketFromHistory(AggregateChanged ...$events): Basket
        return $this->reconstituteAggregateFromHistory(

     * Test helper to create a ShoppingSessionStarted event
     * If we need to change signature of the event later, we have a central place in the test case
     * where we can align the creation.
     * @return ShoppingSessionStarted
    private function shoppingSessionStarted(): ShoppingSessionStarted
        return ShoppingSessionStarted::occur($this->basketId->toString(), [
            'shopping_session' => $this->shoppingSession->toString()

     * Test helper to create a ProductAddedToBasket event
     * If we need to change signature of the event later, we have a central place in the test case
     * where we can align the creation.
     * @return ProductAddedToBasket
    private function product1Added(): ProductAddedToBasket
        return ProductAddedToBasket::occur($this->basketId->toString(), [
            'product_id' => $this->product1->toString(),
            'stock_quantity' => 5,
            'stock_version' => 1,
            'quantity' => 1,

    private function product1ERP(int $stockQuantity = 5): ERP
        //Create a Mock of the ERP interface
        $ERP = $this->prophesize(ERP::class);

                'product_id' => $this->product1->toString(),
                'quantity' => $stockQuantity,
                'version' => 1

        return $ERP->reveal();

$ php vendor/bin/phpunit

PHPUnit 6.3.1 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.
......                                                              6 / 6 (100%)

Time: 27 ms, Memory: 4.00MB

OK (6 tests, 21 assertions)

Be Careful

You need to be careful when using dependency injection in an aggregate method. In the example shown above, we only read data from an external system, and we can handle the cases when communication goes wrong, be it that the product could not be found or the external system is unavailable.

Things get more complex when you want to write data to an external system. Let's say we want to update stock quantity for a product instead of requesting it. Such write operations should not be performed by the aggregate itself but instead by a process manager or a saga. In the next two chapters we're going to learn more about process managers and sagas and the difference between the two.


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