Interop Factories

Instead of providing a module, a bundle, a bridge or similar framework integration prooph/event-store ships with interop factories.

Factory-Driven Creation

The concept behind these factories (see src/Container folder) is simple but powerful. It allows us to provide you with bootstrapping logic for the event store and related components without the need to rely on a specific framework. However, the factories have three requirements.


  1. Your Inversion of Control container must implement the PSR Container interface.
  2. interop-config must be installed
  3. The application configuration should be registered with the service id config in the container.

Note: Don't worry, if your environment doesn't provide these requirements, you can always bootstrap the components by hand. Just look at the factories for inspiration in this case.


If the requirements are met, you just need to add a new section in your application config ...

    'prooph' => [
        'event_store' => [
            'default' => [
                'wrap_action_event_emitter' => true,
                'metadata_enrichers' => [
                    // The factory will get the metadata enrichers and inject them in the MetadataEnricherPlugin.
                    // Note: you can obtain the same result by instantiating the plugin yourself
                    // and pass it to the 'plugin' section bellow.
                    // ...
                'plugins' => [
                    //And again the factory will use each service id to get the plugin from the container
                    //Plugin::attachToEventStore($eventStore) is then invoked by the factory so your plugins
                    // get attached automatically
                    //Awesome, isn't it?
    'dependencies' => [
        'factories' => [
            'inmemoryeventstore' => [
    //... other application config here

$eventStore = $container->get('inmemoryeventstore');

By default, InMemoryEventStore which is transactional, is created by factory. If you want to change this behaviour to create NonTransactionalInMemoryEventStore, simply override default config of given event store to 'transactional' => false


If you want to have a read only event store, just add 'read_only' => true to your event store config.


    'prooph' => [
        'projection_manager' => [
            'default' => [
                'event_store' => 'inmemoryeventstore',
    'dependencies' => [
        'factories' => [
            'inmemoryeventstoreprojectionmanager' => [
    //... other application config here

$projectionManager = $container->get('inmemoryeventstoreprojectionmanager');

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