Simple and lightweight snapshot store that works together with prooph/event-sourcing
to speed up loading of aggregates.
composer require prooph/snapshot-store
This feature is provided by the prooph/snapshotter package. Please refer to the docs of the package to learn more about it.
Also choose one of the Prooph\*SnapshotStore
to take snapshots.
Inject the snapshot store into an aggregate repository and the repository will use the snapshot store to speed up
aggregate loading.
Our example application proophessor-do contains a snapshotting tutorial.
By default prooph uses PHP's own serialise and unserialize methods. These may not suite your needs so as of v1.1 of the snapshot store you can use a custom serialiser.
You can use the provided CallbackSerializer to do this.
new PdoSnapshotStore(
new CallbackSerializer('igbinary_serialize', 'igbinary_unserialize')
If you are using the interop factories all you have to do is create a Factory for Prooph\SnapshotStore\Serializer
and add that as dependency;
return [
'dependencies' => [
'factories' => [
\Prooph\SnapshotStore\Serializer::class => My\CallbackSerializerFactory::class,
Note: All SnapshotStores ship with interop factories to ease set up.
This component ships with a composite snapshot store, that aggregates multiple snapshot stores. When asked to save a snapshot or removeAll, it will call the method in all aggregated snapshot stores. If you try to get a snapshot from the composite, it will ask each snapshot store for the snapshot and returns the first snapshot found or null.
This is especially useful to combine a memcached snapshot store for high speed with a fallback like pdo or mongodb.
$snapshotStore1 = new MemcachedSnapshotStore();
$snapshotStore2 = new MongoDbSnapshotStore();
$snapshotStore = new CompositeSnapshotStore($snapshotStore1, $snapshotStore2);
Using Prooph Event-Sourcing you need to install Prooph Snapshotter. Check the documentation there on how to use it.
Using Prooph Micro the usage is a simple php function.