Instead of providing a module, a bundle, a bridge or similar framework integration prooph/event-store ships with interop factories
The concept behind these factories (see src/Container
folder) is simple but powerful. It allows us to provide you with bootstrapping logic for the event store and related components
without the need to rely on a specific framework. However, the factories have three requirements.
in the container.Note: Don't worry, if your environment doesn't provide these requirements, you can always bootstrap the components by hand. Just look at the factories for inspiration in this case.
Sample configuration:
'prooph' => [
'pdo_snapshot_store' => [
'default' => [
'connection' => 'my_pdo_connection', //<-- service name of your pdo connection
'default_snapshot_table_name' => 'snapshots', //<-- table name of your snapshots, defaults to `snapshots`
'snapshot_table_map' => [ //<-- Array with key = aggregate type, value = snapshot table name, defaults to empty array
'My\AggregateOne' => 'one_snapshots',
'My\AggregteTwo' => 'two_snapshots',
'serializer' => 'My\Serializer' //<-- optional, service name of a custom serializer