PSB Plugins

Plugins extend a message bus with additional functionality. PSB ships with a list of useful plugins that can be mixed and matched with your own implementations:



Use the CommandRouter to provide a list of commands (identified by their names) and their responsible command handlers.

//You can provide the list as an associative array in the constructor ...
$router = new CommandRouter(array('My.Command.BuyArticle' => new BuyArticleHandler()));

//... or using the programmatic api
$router->route('My.Command.RegisterUser')->to(new RegisterUserHandler());

//Command handlers can be objects like shown above or anything that is callable (callbacks, callable arrays, etc.) ...
$router->route('My.Command.SendPaymentEmail')->to(array($mailer, "handleSendPaymentEmail"));

//... or a string that can be used by a DIC to locate the command handler instance

//Add the router to a CommandBus


Use the QueryRouter to provide a list of queries (identified by their names) and their responsible finders.

The QueryRouter shares the same base class with the CommandRouter so its interface looks exactly the same.


Use the EventRouter to provide a list of event messages (identified by their names) and all interested listeners per event message.

//You can provide the list as an associative array in the constructor ...
$router = new EventRouter(array('My.Event.ArticleWasBought' => array(new OrderCartUpdater(), new InventoryUpdater())));

//... or using the programmatic api
$router->route('My.Event.ArticleWasBought')->to(new OrderCartUpdater())->andTo(new InventoryUpdater());

//Like command handlers, event message listeners can also be objects, callables or strings

//Add the router to an EventBus


The RegexRouter works with regular expressions to determine handlers for messages. It can be used together with a CommandBus, a QueryBus or an EventBus but for the latter it behaves a bit different. When routing a command or query the RegexRouter makes sure that only one pattern matches. If more than one pattern matches it throws a Prooph\ServiceBus\Exception\RuntimeException. On the other hand when routing an event each time a pattern matches the corresponding listener is added to the list of listeners.

//You can provide the pattern list as an associative array in the constructor ...
$router = new RegexRouter(array('/^My\.Command\.Buy.*/' => new BuyArticleHandler()));

//... or using the programmatic api
$router->route('/^My\.Command\.Register.*/')->to(new RegisterUserHandler());

//Add the router to a CommandBus

//When routing an event you can provide a list of listeners for each pattern ...
$router = new RegexRouter(array('/^My\.Event\.Article.*/' => array(new OrderCartUpdater(), new InventoryUpdater())));

//... or using the programmatic api
$router->route('/^My\.Event\.Article.*/')->to(new OrderCartUpdater());

//The RegexRouter does not provide a andTo method like the EventRouter.
//You need to call route again for the same pattern,
//otherwise the router throws an exception
$router->route('/^My\.Event\.Article.*/')->to(new InventoryUpdater());

//Add the router to an EventBus


The AsyncSwitchMessageRouter allows you to easily set up a single router to handle both your async and sync messages.

To send messages via the Async Producer mark them with the Prooph\ServiceBus\Async\AsyncMessage interface.

The AsyncSwitchMessageRouter is a decorator that wraps your router. The first time the AsyncSwitchMessageRouter sees an async message it is sent via the Async Producer, after that the message is routed normally.

//You can define your primary router...
$myRouter = new MyRouter();

// Create async message producer...
$asyncMessageProducer = new AsyncMessageProducer();

// create your AsyncSwitchMessageRouter decorating your router...
$router = new AsyncSwitchMessageRouter(

//Add the router to a CommandBus

Invoke Strategies

An invoke strategy knows how a message handler can be invoked. You can register many invoke strategies at once depending on how many different handler types you are using. The best way is to choose a convention and go with it. PSB ships with the invoke strategies listed below.

Available Strategies

  • HandleCommandStrategy: Prefixes the short class name of a command with handle. A command handler should have a public method named this way: AddProductHandler::handleAddProductToCart. If you prefer to have one command handler per command (recommended) then you don't need to attach the strategy but instead implement CommandHandler::__invoke. If you don't like __invoke you can also work with CommandHandler::handle. The HandleCommandStrategy checks if the handler has a single handle method if it cannot find an appropriate prefixed method name.
  • OnEventStrategy: Prefixes the short class name of an event with on. A listener should have a public method named this way: OrderCartUpdater::onArticleWasBought.
  • FinderInvokeStrategy: This strategy is responsible for invoking finders. It looks for a finder method named like the short class name of the query.

Note: When a message bus detects that the message handler is callable invoke strategies are skipped and the message handler is directly invoked by the message bus.


The service bus ships with a Prooph\ServiceBus\Plugin\Guard\RouteGuard and a Prooph\ServiceBus\Plugin\Guard\FinalizeGuard. You can use them to protect the command bus and the query bus. For the command bus the route guard is sufficient. If the Prooph\ServiceBus\Plugin\Guard\AuthorizationService does not allow access to the command, an Prooph\ServiceBus\Plugin\Guard\UnauthorizedException is thrown. The route guard passes the message to the Prooph\ServiceBus\Plugin\Guard\AuthorizationService as context, so you can make assertions on it.

If you want to protect the query bus, you can also use the route guard, but in some situations, you want to deny access based on the result of the query. In this case it's important to make checks on the query results. The finalize guard passes a query result as context to the AuthorizationService.

We also provide service-bus-zfc-rbac-bridge, a bridge to marry these guards with ZFC-Rbac. You can also find some configuration examples in this repository.

Note: If you use both the route guard and the finalize guard on the query bus and you want to make assertions on the query result, you need to make sure that the AuthorizationService can distinguish between the contexts (route guard passes query, finalize guard passes result)

If you want to use the RouteGuard or FinalizeGuard with an exposed message name in the exception message, configure your container accordingly, see: config/services.php:21.


This plugin uses a Interop\Container\ContainerInterface implementation to lazy-load message handlers. The following example uses a ZF2 ServiceManager as a service locator and illustrates how it can be used together with a command bus:

use Zend\ServiceManager\ServiceManager;

//We tell the ServiceManager that it should provide an instance of My\Command\DoSomethingHandler
//when we request it with the alias My.Command.DoSomethingHandler
$serviceManager = new ServiceManager(new Config([
    'invokables' => [
        'My.Command.DoSomethingHandler' => 'My\Command\DoSomethingHandler'

//The ZF2\ServiceManager implements Interop\Container\ContainerInterface since v2.6
(new ServiceLocatorPlugin($serviceManager))->attachToMessageBus($commandBus);

$router = new CommandRouter();

//In the routing map we use the alias of the command handler


With this technique you can configure the routing for all your messages without the need to create all message handlers on every request. Only the responsible message handlers are lazy loaded by the service locator plugin.


If you want to route all messages to a Prooph\ServiceBus\Async\MessageProducer you can attach this plugin to a message bus. If it is attached to a command or query bus all messages will only be routed to the message producer. If it is attached to an event bus the message producer will be added to the list of event listeners.

//Let's say the zeromq message producer is available as a service in a container
/** @var \Prooph\ServiceBus\Async\MessageProducer $zeromqProducer */
$zeromqProducer = $container->get('async_event_producer');

//We now only need to set up a message producer plugin and let the message bus use it.
$messageProducerPlugin = new \Prooph\ServiceBus\Plugin\MessageProducerPlugin($zeromqProducer);

$eventBus = new \Prooph\ServiceBus\EventBus();


//Each event will now be routed to the async message producer
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